When gamers think of Atlus, they're likely to think of their trademark RPG franchises like the Shin Megami Tensei series. However, they took a chance and published somewhat niche fighting game The King of Fighters XIII in the US. Without a doubt, hardcore fighting gamers must have been worried about how the project would be handled. We couldn't help but want to ask the publisher how the game would turn out, given Atlus' seemingly inexperienced record with fighting games, so we decided to ask them some Quick Questions. Those who are on the edge about whether Atlus would have done The King of Fighters XIII right will definitely want to read on.
Denkiphile: HasAtlus or the development team reached out to the competitive player base forany assistance? If so, what type?
Rob Stone, QualityAssurance: We would like to have as much involvement with the competitiveKOF players as we can during the short period when we're localizing this game.Many players have already provided us with valuable feedback about bugs in theconsole builds that were shown as location tests, as well as feedback regardingbalance changes between the arcade and console versions.
Aram Jabbari, PRManager: We’ve been in constantcontact with a number of prominent people within the many strong, thriving KOFcommunities around the world. We’vegiven key folks extensive play time with early builds and taken extensive noteson their feedback. We’re quite seriouswhen we talk about working as hard as possible to make this the best KOF gameof all time.
DP: Will there betournament-friendly features included? Such as the ability to change buttonsstraight from the character select screen or easier button configuration (i.e.pressing buttons to assign them ala BlazBlue or browsing through eachindividual button and changing their functions ala Street Fighter 4)?
AJ: Offline(in Versus mode), players can reassign buttons at the character select screenby having the 1st Player side press the Circle button (PS3) or the B button(360). As you say, it makes the processof switching different players in and out of the same system/setup a loteasier!
DP: Recently, SNKPlaymore has said that the game will be rebalanced due to the new characters.Will the game include an option to play as either the arcade or consoleversion?
RS: Youwon’t have the option to choose between the arcade and console versions of acharacter. Thankfully, so far all of the feedback regarding balance changes hasbeen positive. There won’t be any extreme changes to any of the characters, soit’s unlikely fans of the arcade build will have to completely re-learn thegame.
DP: Will theupcoming replay mode be compatible with both online and offline matches?
AJ: The Replay mode is online only.
DP: We're reallyexcited for the 4-CD compilation preorder bonus for King of Fighters XIII. Willit be a collection of tracks from throughout the years or more of a collectionof remixes?
AJ: The 4 CDs feature over 100 tracks fromthe 15+ year KOF series history. None ofthe tracks are remixed or altered after the fact; they’re exactly what KOF fansremember from their favorite classics!
DP: You guys havealready stated a good deal on why Atlus has chosen to publish King of FightersXIII in the states, but this game an exception to the rule or are we seeing agenre that Atlus USA will branch out onto? What's the likelihood of seeing morefighting games picked up by Atlus?
AJ: Our involvement with THE KING OF FIGHTERSXIII is a fairly simple matter: we recognized that it is a fantastic fightinggame, with major improvements in every important area over its predecessor,particularly in terms of game modes, fighter count, and network play. We’re always excited and proud to be able topublish a great game here in North America, and as soon as we’d had a chance tospend some time with KOF XIII, we knew what we had on our hands and couldn’twait to get it into the hands of fans here.
DP: Do you haveany final words for Atlus faithful out there or fighting game fans?
Clayton S. Chan,Editor: KOF fans are among the mosthardcore and dedicated in the world. I hope that you enjoy all the hard work Iput into making the characters come to life for you. As far as fighting game fansin general, I would humbly request that you please stop kicking my ass at everyfighting game in existence.