Not only has there been a movement in recent years to makevideo games more akin to art, but also cinema. While Heavy Rain has made huge strides in this department, it wasarguably more of movie than game; instead, the key players in the movement havebeen the Metal Gear Solid and Uncharted series. With the last game inthe series, Uncharted has definitelyclosed the gap, and it does so even more with Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception while staying true to its roots asan engaging action game – possibly even the strongest contender for action gameof the year.
Continuing off of Uncharted2’s ending, Uncharted 3 has NathanDrake seeking Francis Drake’s treasure. Along the way, he’ll encounter andfight alongside old friends like Sully, Charlie, Chloe, and Elena against longtimefoes Marlowe and Talbot. The adventure takes Nathan far beyond a simpletreasure hunt and eventually has him seeking Francis Drake’s biggest secret.Not only that, but players also discover Nathan’s past and finally see abefitting conclusion to the Unchartedtrilogy. Never forgetting its roots, the game still provides a good amount ofcomic relief, whether it be a snide remark about Sully’s age or Charlie’spreference in cell phone service providers.
The game’s beauty is unparalleled. It takes players to amyriad of locales, ranging from the streets of London to the flea markets of Yemen.No matter where Uncharted 3 takesplayers though, the settings are recreated eerily well. It’s only made moreimpressive by the variations involved. Whereas most games transport players to onemagnificent world, Uncharted 3 takesplayers to multiple worlds. In particular, the desert is created so beautifullythat, despite Nathan’s own troubles, players may never want to leave. Don’t beconfused, players; this is no tech demo.
The game’s beauty is unparalleled. It takes players to amyriad of locales, ranging from the streets of London to the flea markets of Yemen.No matter where Uncharted 3 takesplayers though, the settings are recreated eerily well. It’s only made moreimpressive by the variations involved. Whereas most games transport players to onemagnificent world, Uncharted 3 takesplayers to multiple worlds. In particular, the desert is created so beautifullythat, despite Nathan’s own troubles, players may never want to leave. Don’t beconfused, players; this is no tech demo.
Vastly improved from previous iterations, action andcontextual commands now allow players to take out enemies stealthily, fightmultiple enemies at once, or even counter incoming attacks from surroundingenemies. Overall, it feels extremely fluid but, despite the countless solutionsplayers have for the threats around them, never easy. Like Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, players are constantly in danger ofbeing shot or attacked from behind, meaning that running in during a gunfightwill result in a swift death.
Aside from combat, players will be spending most of theirtime climbing ledges and solving various puzzles, as in previous iterations. Relativelyunchanged, the mechanic still provides players with the ever convenientlyconstructed ledges, making the climbing mechanic a straightforward andultimately dull feature. The cinematic atmosphere it adds to the game is onethat Heavy Rain can only hope toachieve. At times, ladders may break; rocks could be less stable than theylook; cables may snap; though players are unlikely to actually fall to theirdemise from these occurrences, they feel the constant danger Nathan is in and continueworking towards safer ground. The puzzles themselves are brilliantlyconstructed without being overwhelming. If players take too long, characterswill even provide small hints or remarks that will usher players in the rightdirection. It’s the perfect way to ensure no puzzle becomes hour longendeavors.
Despite the game’s technical prowess and exciting gameplay,it has its fair share of shortcomings. Often times, it falters when sensinginputs. Rather than rolling away as I had intended Nathan to, he would grab anopponent or simply cling to a wall as an enemy wailed away with a shotgun. More annoyingly, the game seems to pick arbitrary points where Nathan's physical capacity for falls would strengthen or weaken; some areas seas him falling two stories and living or from a slightly lower point yet dying. Comparedto previous entries, the final segment is a disappointment and unable tosatisfy the crescendo leading up to it.
However, these are minor faults that, although stand out,never ruin the experience. Players who have followed the Uncharted series from the first game will leave satisfied. If gamesare truly approaching cinema in terms of presentation and gameplay itself, Uncharted 3 is the action movie sequelof the year that has it all – corny jokes, gunfights, fistfights, protagonistsin tight spots, and over the top explosions.
Available on: PS3; Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment; Developer: Naughty Dog; Players: 1 - 10; Released: November 1, 2011; ESRB: Teen; Official Site
Available on: PS3; Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment; Developer: Naughty Dog; Players: 1 - 10; Released: November 1, 2011; ESRB: Teen; Official Site
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