Saturday, September 3, 2011

[Preview] Driver: San Francisco

One of the least revolutionary genres of video games tends to be the racing genre. There isn't much room for innovation from the gameplay/design aspect and the majority of changes rely on enhancements in cars. But Ubisoft has decided to break out of the mold and make a truly unique racing game with Driver: San Francisco. We've decided to give the demo a shot and see what we can expect before the full game is released.

From the very beginning you see a very stunning visual display: beautiful cars, amazing details from the streets to the characters themselves and this carries over from the cinematics to the in-game sequences almost seamlessly. Though this is only a demo, the storyline already had me salivating. You are introduced to detective John Tanner who has been in an accident that has given him the ability to take over bodies of other people. You might be wondering (as I did) how this is relevant to a racing game, but you learn very quickly as Tanner tries to prove it to his partner. The first level guides you through the process of 'shifting' as well as its practical application in the game. Think Inception meets The Fast and the Furious.
After finishing the first level you get introduced to a new set of characters as well as a different way to use shifting. You play as two members of a racing team where your objective is to end up with a one-two finish. This means that you need to shift between the two cars and make sure that the two are able to finish ahead. This was a lot of fun to do, and fairly challenging. It definitely takes intense multitasking skills to accomplish. The final level of the demo displays everything else the gameplay has to offer. You end up taxiing a criminal around San Francisco in an Audi R8 with what feels like the entire San Francisco police force chasing after you as you try to maneuver around traffic. Also a lot of fun but extremely challenging with the time restrictions.

If you are looking for a truly revolutionary racing game then look no further, Driver: San Francisco delivers that without a question and doesn't hold back with a wide array of cars, challenging/addicting gameplay as well as  great graphics to complete the package. If you are not sure if this is for you, feel free to try out the demo  and you'll be hooked and waiting for the full game. As impressive as the demo is there is no way that the full version is going to disappoint. Driver: San Francisco will definitely be living up to the hype it has already produced when it hits retailers September 6.

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